Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. ("TCC") strives to provide all its members and customers with the highest quality Internet service available, while adhering to Internet use policies established by the Internet Community and State and Federal Laws.  TCC’s Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) covers all of its Internet Products and Services (“Services”) and is designed to help improve the use of the Internet by preventing unacceptable use. All users of the Services must comply with this AUP. 

Use of the Services constitutes acceptance of the AUP. Users are solely responsible for any and all acts and omissions that occur while accepting the Services, and users agree not violate the AUP or engage in any unacceptable or illegal activities while utilizing any of the Services. TCC reserves the right to terminate service to any user without notice upon violation of any part of the AUP.

TCC reserves the right to revise, modify and amend this AUP at any time and in any manner. Notice of any revision, modification or amendment of the AUP will be posted on TCC's web site at:

TCC may take action against users for violating these policies, including removing any content that violates the AUP and/or terminating use of the Services. TCC reserves the right to investigate any violations of this AUP. TCC may cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of suspected or alleged criminal or civil violations. TCC also cooperate with the System Administrators of the Internet Community to enforce this AUP.

Violations of Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy:

1. Inappropriate Content. Users may not upload, download, post, email, distribute, publish or otherwise transmit (collectively “Transmit”) any message, data, information, image, text, song, movie or other material (collectively “Content”) that is unlawful, libelous, slanderous, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, indecent, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, inflammatory or otherwise harmful or offensive to third parties.

2. Abuse of Electronic Mail.  TCC’s Services may not be used to send unsolicited bulk or commercial messages. Activities that have the effect of facilitating unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk email, whether or not that email is commercial in nature, are prohibited.

3. Network Security / Integrity.  Using the Services for any activity which adversely affects the ability of other people or systems to use Services or the Internet is prohibited. This includes Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, Virus Uploading and distribution, and Hacking (intentional unauthorized access into a service or system without express authorization).

Users are responsible for ensuring the security of their personal or business network to minimize network abuse. Users are responsible for the configuring and securing of their Service to avoid disruption of network or end user Services. Users may not, through action or inaction, use their network for illegal or inappropriate actions or configure their network in a way that permits third parties to do the same. Examples of unsecured services are, but not limited to, Open SMTP relays, incorrect configuration of Proxy services, and Hosting Server Relays.

4. Resale, Sharing, Distribution.  Users may not resell, share, or otherwise distribute the Services or any portion thereof to any third party without written consent of TCC.

5. Illegal Use.  Users may not Transmit Content that intentionally or unintentionally violates any applicable, known or unknown local, state, national or international law.

6. Harm to Minors.  Users may not make information available to minors in violation of federal or state law, or use the Service to harm or attempt to harm minors in any way.

7. Forgery or Impersonation.  Users may not impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, an employee or officer of TCC, forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity. Forging headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through TCC is prohibited.

8. Fraudulent Activity.  Users may not make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items or services or to advance any type of financial scam such as “pyramid schemes,” “Ponzi Schemes,” or “chain letters.”

9. Unauthorized Access.  Users may not use the Services to access, or attempt to access, the accounts of others, or to penetrate, or attempt to penetrate, security measures of the TCC’s or other entity’s computer software or hardware, electronic communications system, or telecommunications system, whether or not the intrusion results in the corruption or loss of data.

10. Collection of Personal Data.  Users may not use the Services to collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about third parties without their knowledge or consent.

11. Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.  TCC does not permit users to Transmit any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party as specified by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998 or any other applicable law. This includes, but is not limited to, the unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials, the distribution of photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted sources and the unauthorized transmittal of copyrighted software, music and/or movies.

Users may be charged a fee of $50.00 for every copyright infringement notice received by TCC.  As governed by the DMCA Act of 1998 Section 512, the user may be removed from TCC’s network for repeated infringement of copyrighted materials or failure to properly act on a copyright infringement claim.   

Reporting Violations of TCC's AUP:  TCC requests that anyone who believes that there is a violation of this AUP please notify TCC immediately.


Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. Date: November 1, 2023

The following is a description of Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. Privacy Policy for its Internet Access Services or subscribing to its video services or by visiting its website, you are consenting to the Company’s information gathering and use practices as in effect from time to time. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy as it applies to the Company’s services, please do not hesitate to contact us via telephone at 715-695-2691.

Information Collection -- The Company collects information from subscribers at several different points as it provides the internet access or video services. The Company is the sole owner of the information it collects in the course of providing Internet access and video services.

The Company’s website creates and uses “cookie” technology. “Cookies” are strings of text that a website stores on a user’s computer. Cookies enable a website to keep track of a user’s preferences and activities relating to that website.

Use of Information -- The Company uses information it obtains in the course of providing its services and from its website for the following purposes:

- Internal marketing and analysis to subscribers who have consented to the Company offering those services to them. 

  • order processing,

  • To maintain and administer the services it provides,

  • To satisfy legal requirements, including but not limited to responding to legal demands for information, and enforcing the Company’s use policies; and,

  • As appropriate in situations that the Company reasonably considers to be emergencies involving personal safety.

The Company will not sell, share, or rent Subscriber’s information to others in ways other than as described in its Privacy Policy. We may share aggregated demographic information with the Company’s service providers. This information is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person or entity.

Links and Other Non Company Sites

This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by the Company from its provision of internet access services and video services and from its website. The Company’s website may contain links to other sites. The Company may also host websites designed and used by others. The Company is not responsible for the privacy practices of sites other than its own. The Company encourages subscribers to be aware when they leave the Company’s site, and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information.


The Company’s website and its information gathering in conjunction with the Company’s other services are not intended to collect information about minors. Persons under age 18 should use this and the Company’s video and internet access services, only with the supervision of a parent or guardian.


The Company takes commercially reasonable precautions to protect our user’s information. When subscribers submit personal information via the internet or via the Company’s website, the information is protected both online and off-line. All of our users’ information is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information. All employees are kept up-to- date on the Company’s security and privacy practices. The servers that the Company stores personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment. If you have any questions about security related to the Company’s services, you can call our office at 715-695-2691 or use postal mail to Tri- County Communications Cooperative, Inc., P.O. Box 578, Strum, WI 54770.

Notice of Change

If the Company decides to change this Privacy Policy, the Company may post those changes on this site so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to use personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by way of an email. Users will have a choice as to whether or not we use their information in this different manner. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected.

Each subscriber has the right to review all personally identifiable information regarding the subscriber that is collected and maintained by the Company. That information will be made available to a subscriber at the Company’s office at 417 5th Avenue North, Strum, WI 54770 during regular business hours, upon the subscriber’s request. Subscribers will be given a reasonable opportunity to correct any errors in the personally identifiable information the Company has collected concerning that subscriber.

The Company retains personally identifiable information only for as long as it is needed for the Company’s business purposes. The Company is required to destroy personally identifiable information if it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected and there are no pending requests or orders for access to that information by the subscriber or pursuant to a court order.

Any person aggrieved by the Company’s violation of the Privacy Act may bring a civil action in the United States District Court for actual and punitive damages, and reasonable attorney fees and other reasonably incurred litigation costs. This remedy is in addition to any other lawful remedy available under federal or state law.


The Company treats email messages as private. Exceptions are those permitted by law, including, or example (I) as necessary to operate the system or protect the Company’s rights or property; (II) upon legal demand or court orders, warrants, subpoenas); or (III) where the Company received information inadvertently which appears to pertain to the commission of a crime. Subscribers should be aware that electronic messages may be intercepted lawfully or unlawfully outside of the Company’s system. In addition, although the Company has implemented certain security measures, the Company cannot guarantee that its system or stored data of a subscriber will be free from unauthorized intrusion or otherwise guarantee the privacy of information of any subscriber. Subscriber consents to the Company’s collection and use of personal information collected in the course of the Company’s providing services to subscriber. The Company’s collection and use of subscriber’s personal information is subject to the terms of the Company’s privacy policy as posted on its website at

Interpretation and Enforcement

Subscriber agrees that exclusive jurisdiction for any claim or dispute arising from use of the Company’s service resides in the courts located in the State of Wisconsin. Subscriber consents to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Wisconsin, as to any claim or dispute arising from use of the Company’s service. These Terms of Service supersede all other written or oral communications or agreements with regard to the subject matter. A waiver of modification of these Terms of Service shall only be effective if in writing signed by an authorized officer of the Company. These Terms of Service shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin without regard to conflict of law principles. If any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions shall be enforceable and valid to the greatest extent permitted by law. These Terms of Service apply in addition to any Internet access service or web hosting agreement between the Company and the subscriber.



TCC (“the Company”) has adopted the following network management practices, performance characteristics, and commercial terms and conditions for its broadband Internet access services in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission’s (“FCC’s) Open Internet Framework requirements (GN Docket No. 09-191, WC Docket No. 07-52, and WC Docket 17-108).

These practices, characteristics, terms and conditions are intended to help preserve the Internet as an open framework that enables consumer choice, freedom of expression, end-user control, competition, and freedom to innovate without permission, while permitting the Company to manage its network reasonably.

These practices, characteristics, terms and conditions are effective as of 6-11-2018.

The Company may add, delete, or modify certain practices, performance characteristics, terms and conditions from time to time at its discretion. The Company will provide as much advance notice as practicable of such changes. It will normally endeavor to furnish written notice of rate changes thirty (30) days before changes become effective, but reserves the right to use a shorter notice period when regulatory, operational, technical or other circumstances warrant.

I. Network Management Practices

The Company manages its network with the goal of providing the best practicable broadband Internet experience to all of its customers. Within the scope of its resources, it attempts to deploy and maintain adequate capacity and facilities within its own network, and to acquire sufficient Middle Mile capacity or facilities outside its service area to connect with the Internet. The Company and its staff use their best efforts to monitor, address and minimize (but do not guarantee that they can prevent) the effects of spam, viruses, security attacks, network congestion, and other phenomena that can degrade the service of affected customers.

  1. Congestion Management Practices

Congestion is an Internet access service problem that can slow web browsing, downloading, and other activities of the customers during certain peak usage periods. Congestion may be caused by capacity limits and bottlenecks in a service provider’s own network, or by limitations in the capacity of the Middle Mile transport facilities and services that many rural service providers must purchase from unrelated entities to carry the traffic of their customers between their service areas and the closest Internet nodes.

The Company has experienced no recent problems with congestion.

If significant congestion problems arise in the future, the Company’s approach is to determine the source of the problem, and to increase the capacity of the affected portions of its network and/or of its Middle Mile routes where warranted. In the event of congestion, all traffic is classified as best effort.

  1. Application-Specific Behavior Practices

The Company does not favor or inhibit certain applications or classes of applications. Customers may use any lawful and commercially available application which they desire on the Company’s network.

The Company does not normally monitor the contents of the traffic or applications of its customers. It undertakes no obligation to monitor or investigate the lawfulness of the applications used by its customers. If any party contacts the Company with a substantial allegation that an application being used by a customer is unlawful, the Company will investigate the matter (including consultation, as it deems appropriate, with attorneys, consultants, federal or state regulators, and/or federal, state or local law enforcement agencies), and will take appropriate actions to deal with the use of applications that are demonstrated to be unlawful.

Customers may occasionally develop their own applications, or modify commercially available applications. The Company will not prohibit the use of customer-developed or modified applications unless there is a reasonable belief that such applications will cause harm to its network.

The Company does not block or rate-control specific protocols or protocol ports.

The Company does not modify protocol fields in ways that are not prescribed by the applicable protocol standards.

  1. Device Attachment Rules

The Company does not have any approval procedures that must be satisfied before a device can be connected to its network. Customers may use any lawful, compatible, type-accepted (if necessary) and commercially available device which they desire on the Company’s network, as long as such device does not harm the network.

The Company does not normally monitor the devices used by its customers. It warns customers that some types of devices (for example, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (‘DOCSIS’) devices intended for use on cable broadband networks) may not be compatible with its fiber optic (and/or digital subscriber line (“DSL”)) network.

The Company undertakes no obligation to monitor or investigate the lawfulness of the devices used by its customers. If any party contacts the Company with a substantial allegation that a device being used by a customer is unlawful, the Company will investigate the matter (including consultation, as it deems appropriate, with attorneys, consultants, federal or state regulators, and/or federal, state or local law enforcement agencies), and will take appropriate actions to deal with the use of a device that is demonstrated to be unlawful.

Customers may occasionally develop their own devices, or modify commercially available devices. The Company will not prohibit the use of lawful customer-developed or modified devices unless there is a reasonable belief that such devices will cause harm to its network.

  1. Security Practices

The Company does not normally monitor the traffic of its customers. It undertakes no obligation to monitor or protect such customer traffic from spam, viruses, denial-of-service attacks, or other malicious, unlawful or unwanted activities.

The Company recognizes that customers can purchase spam filtering and anti-virus software from commercial vendors to meet their needs. The Company may from time to time offer anti-spam and/or anti-virus software or services to customers who desire to purchase them from the Company. When offered, these software or services will be described and priced in other sections of this website. Customers are free to obtain anti-spam and/or anti-virus software or services from any source they desire, as long as such software or services do not disrupt or degrade the traffic of other customers of the Company or harm the network.

A customer that is subjected to a denial-of-service attack, or similar malicious, unlawful or unwanted activity, is urged to notify the Company as soon as possible. The Company will work with the customer, other service providers, federal and state regulators, and/or law enforcement to determine the source of such activity, and to take appropriate, and technically and economically reasonable efforts to address the matter.

The Company employs commercially appropriate security procedures to protect its network and its customer records from unauthorized access by third parties. The Company does not guarantee that it can protect customers from any and/or all security breaches.

  1. Traffic Blocking

The Company does not block any lawful content, applications, devices, and/or non-harmful devices.

The only potential exceptions where blocking may occur entail the unlawful or harmful circumstances set forth in Sections I.A through I.D above. The Company believes that all such circumstances constitute reasonable network management practices.

The Company does not knowingly and intentionally impair, degrade or delay the traffic on its network so as to render effectively unusable certain content, applications, services and/or non- harmful devices. However, the Company notes that congestion may from time to time impair, degrade, or delay some traffic.

The Company does not charge edge service providers of content, applications, services and/or devices any fees simply for transporting traffic between them and its customers.

II. Performance Characteristics

Many of the service and performance characteristics of the Company’s broadband Internet access services are contained in the service offering portions of this website. The Company offers different tiers of service at different prices, and changes these from time to time.

A. General Service Description

Actual access speeds and time delays (latency) are impacted by the length, capacity and congestion of Middle Mile transport facilities (between the Company’s service area and Internet nodes) as well as the characteristic of the Company’s own network. Because conditions on these facilities and routes can change frequently, the Company can provide estimated actual access speed and latency information only for specific recent time periods requested by a customer.

The Company’s service is suitable for real-time applications. The speed tier a customer subscribes to will impact the efficiency of the real-time applications.

B. Impact of Specialized Services

The Company does not offer specialized services to end-users.

III. Commercial Terms and Conditions

The commercial terms and conditions of the Company’s broadband Internet access services are available at our business office or by request.

  1. Pricing Terms and Conditions

The Company offers different tiers and levels of service at different prices, and changes these from time to time. These service tiers and prices are detailed in the service offering portion of this website.

The Company does not impose usage-based fees upon certain tiers or levels of its service

The Company does not impose fees for early termination with respect to certain of its service arrangements.

The Company is willing to consider and negotiate prices for customized additional network services requested by specific customers or edge service providers if such services can be designed, developed and furnished in a commercially reasonable manner. If and when such customized services are developed and furnished, the Company reserves the right to adapt and provide them to other customers on a non-discriminatory basis so long as such subsequent provision does not entail disclosure of proprietary or confidential information of the initial customer.

  1. No Unreasonable Discrimination

The Company does not unreasonably discriminate in its transmission of traffic over the broadband Internet access services of its customers. It endeavors to give its customers as much choice and control as practicable among its different service offerings and among the content, application, service and device offerings of edge service providers. When reasonable network management practices entail differential treatment of traffic, the Company does not discriminate among specific uses, or classes of uses, of its network.

The Company does not impair, degrade or delay VoIP applications or services that compete with its voice services and those of its affiliates.

The Company does not impair, degrade, delay or otherwise inhibit access by its customers to lawful content, applications, services or non-harmful devicesThe Company does not impair free expression by actions such as slowing traffic from particular websites or blogs.

The Company does not use or demand “pay-for-priority” or similar arrangements that directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic.

The Company does not prioritize its own content, application, services, or devices, or those of its affiliates.

  1. Privacy Policies

As indicated above, the Company’s network management practices do not generally entail inspection of network traffic.

The Company retains and stores certain traffic information (such as the identity of the customer using a particular IP address during a specific period) for time periods required by federal or state law.

The Company retains, stores and provides to law enforcement any traffic information requested pursuant to the procedures of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (“CALEA”), the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) or other applicable national security or criminal statutes.

The Company does not collect, store or use traffic information to profile its customers in order to sell additional services to them, or for similar non-network management purposes.

  1. Redress Options

Questions and complaints regarding the foregoing matters should be addressed to the Company’s Buck Webb, COO at 715-695-2691 or [email protected].

The Company strongly desires to resolve questions, complaints and other problems of its customers and edge service providers in an informal and direct manner that satisfies all interested parties to the greatest extent practicable.

Customers and edge service providers that are not able to obtain satisfaction from the Company have the option of invoking the FCC’s informal and formal complaint procedures regarding Open Internet Framework disputes.

Pursuant to Title II of the DMCA, all claims alleging copyright infringement for material that is believed to be residing on Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.’s system or network should be promptly sent in the form of written notice to Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.’s Designated Agent:

Designated Agent for DMCA Notices

Western Wisconsin Communications LLC Copyright Department Kevin Schroeder

417 5th Avenue North Strum, WI 54770

Phone: 715-695-2691

Email: [email protected]

Specific requirements for proper notification of claimed infringement are set forth in the DMCA (see 17 U.S.C.'512(c)(3)). Valid notification must be a written communication that includes all of the following elements:

  1. Signature of copyright owner or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner;
  2. Identification of copyrighted work claimed to be infringed;
  3. Identification of the material claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material;
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to contact the complaining party (address, phone number and, if available, email address);
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate, and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right allegedly being infringed.

NOTE: There are substantial penalties for false claims (see 17 U.S.C.'512(f)-providing sanctions for material misrepresentations of copyright infringement).

Filing a DMCA counter-notification:

If a notice of alleged copyright infringement under the DMCA has been wrongly filed against you, you may submit a counter-notification to Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.’s Designated Agent. Specific requirements for a proper counter-notification are set forth in the DMCA (see 17 U.S.C.'512(g)(3)). A valid counter-notification must be a written communication that includes all of the following elements:

  1. A physical or electronic signature;
  2. Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification; and

Your name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of federal district court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if your address is outside of the U.S., for any judicial district in which the service provider may be found, and that you will accept service of process from the complainant.

Upon receipt of a valid counter-notification, Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. will forward it to the original complainant who submitted the DMCA notice alleging copyright infringement. The original complainant will then have ten (10) days to notify Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. that is has filed a lawsuit relating to the allegedly infringing material otherwise Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. will restore the removed material or cease disabling access to it.

Repeat Infringer Policy

Pursuant to Section 512 of the DMCA, it is Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc.’s policy to terminate the account of repeat copyright infringers in appropriate circumstances.


For captioning problems during non-emergency programming, you may file a written complaint with either the FCC or your video programming distributor, WWC, LLC, PO Box 578 Strum, WI 54770, Attn: Buck Webb  (i.e., your cable or satellite TV service, or the TV station if you do not pay for cable, satellite, or another subscription video service).  If you file your complaint with the FCC, the FCC will forward your complaint to your video programming distributor.

The FCC rules establish specific time limits for filing closed captioning complaints.  Your written complaint must be filed within 60 days of the captioning problem.  After receiving a complaint, either directly from you or from the FCC, the video programming distributor will have 30 days to respond to the complaint.  If you file your complaint with your video programming distributor and they do not respond within 30 days, or if a dispute remains,  you can send your complaint to the FCC.

You can file your written complaint by using the on-line complaint form found at   You can also file your complaint with the FCC’s Consumer Center by e-mailing [email protected], faxing 1-866-418-0232, or writing to:

Federal Communications Commission
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554


In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

  1. mail:
    U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
  2. fax:
    (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
  3. email:
    [email protected]

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.



In 2003, the Do-Not-Call Act was signed into law. This legislation allowed for the establishment and enforcement of a national Do-Not-Call Registry giving consumers a choice regarding telemarketing calls. If your number is listed on the registry, all commercial telemarketers, except for businesses with whom you have an existing relationship or certain non-profit and political organizations, are not allowed to call you. Consumers may register their residential telephone number, including wireless numbers, on the national Do-Not-Call Registry at no cost. You can register on-line for the national Do-Not-Call Registry via the internet at  To contact the registry by telephone, consumers may call 1-888-382-1222. For TTY, call 1-866-290-4236. Inclusion of your telephone number on the national Do-Not-Call Registry will be effective 31 days after registration. Your number will remain on the registry permanently. You are allowed to remove your number from the registry at any time.


If you are engaged in making telephone solicitations, you should be aware of the requirements of the national Do-Not-Call rules and regulations. The relevant federal do-not-call rules are set forth in 47.C.F.R. s. 64.1200 and 16 C.F.R. Part 310, respectively.  This notification is being provided as a reminder of your obligations under the above federal do-not-call rules. For additional information, you may contact the Federal Communications Commission at 1-888-225-5322, on the Internet at or via email to [email protected]. Information can also be found on the Federal Trade Commission website:

(The Federal Communications Commission requires that this notice be provided to any potential solicitor.)


Western Wisconsin Communications, LLC Cable System Info:

If you have any questions or concerns about the FCC Public Inspection File, please contact: Buck Webb — 417 5th Ave N Strum, WI 54770 | 715-695-2691 |  [email protected]   FCC Link:

Legal Name:




Facility Type:

Cable System

Operator Address:

Western Wisconsin Communications
7156952691 [phone]  [email protected]

Principal Headend:

Square Bluff
N32798 Carsten Road
Whitehall, WI 54773
7156952691 [phone]


Communities Served:


Zip Codes Served:

54747, 54616, 54659, 54770, 54738, 54758, 54630, 54661, 54627, 54773, 54661, 54741, 54760, 54611, 54635, 54746, 54754

General Resources

Part 76 of the Code of Federal Regulations
FCC Public Inspection File Information
Contact: Buck Webb 417 5th Ave N Strum, WI 54770 715-695-2691 [email protected] 
FCC Public Inspection File

Emergency Alert Procedures for Cable Systems:

TCC Payment Collection Policy

  • TCC monthly statements are processed and mailed so that they reach the subscriber by
    the 1st of each month and are payable in full by the 15th of that month.
  • If payment is received after the 15th of the month, a $2.00 penalty fee will be assessed to
    the Member’s account.
  • Around the 25th of the month, a Reminder Notice is sent out to those that have not paid,
    which reads:

    “According to our records, as of XX/XX/XX your service has not been paid. If you have
    already sent your payment, please disregard this notice. If your account is not paid in full
    by XX/XX/XX, your service(s) will be disconnected. Please submit your payment to us or
    contact us if there are any questions. The information contained on the reverse side
    hereof is an important part of this notice.”

    The reverse side reads:


    Please contact us at once, in person or by telephone if:
  1. You dispute this notice of delinquent account.
  2. You wish to negotiate a deferred payment agreement.
  3. Any resident in your household is seriously ill.
  4. There are other extenuating circumstances.


    When service has been disconnected, restoration of service requires:
  1. Settlement of account.
  2. Payment of $35.00 reconnection charge per account.
  3. A satisfactory deposit may be required to cover future bills.

    Please return your bill with payment to Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. to
    the address shown on the bill. If this account has been paid, please notify our office at
    once. Should you have questions concerning this notice, please call: 715-695-2691.
  • We will make a reasonable effort to contact the customer prior to disconnection, however,
    if you cannot be reached or if we do not hear from you, disconnection will result.
  • Upon payment of your overdue account, plus the $35.00 reconnection charge per
    account, your service(s) will be reconnected.
  • Reconnection by your cooperative will be done as soon as possible after payment is
    received, but only during normal working hours.

Network Testing

In certain geographic service areas where Tri-County Communications Cooperative, Inc. (TCC) receives
certain types of federal high-cost universal service support, we are required by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) to measure and collect information concerning the speed and
latency of broadband services provided to randomly-selected subscribers. These tests are mandated in
order to prove that federal support money is being used to expand broadband speeds throughout rural

Pursuant to applicable FCC guidelines, required testing is being accomplished by using existing network
management systems and tools (off-the-shelf testing). The FCC has adopted requirements regarding
when tests begin, when exactly we may perform the tests, and the number of active subscriber locations
we are required to test. Locations will be chosen at random to be in the testing pool. Tests for speed and
latency will be performed once per quarter for a two-year period. The tests will show each location in
the testing pool is receiving the speeds that the customer is paying for and are required by FCC Rules.
These tests are for performance measurement only. No internet data will be recorded, viewed or
shared. No personal information will be shared with the test results report and certification. TCC takes
customer privacy very seriously and will protect all personal identifiable information. Once testing
begins, test results must be reported and certified to the Universal Service Administrative Company
(USAC) and State Commission on an annual basis. As it relates to randomly-selected subscribers, this
required performance testing is in addition to the automatic testing we may do to measure or monitor
performance and improve our service levels generally.